Academic Catalog 2015-2016 (Addended) 
    Jun 07, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2015-2016 (Addended) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

Click on any link below for more information

Colorado Christian University is committed to the belief that learning occurs both in and out of the classroom. Students are able to impact the world for Jesus Christ as they are competent in their fields of study and as they develop a lifestyle that reflects their Maker. This integration of knowledge and lifestyle is best achieved in the context of community. Opportunities for dialog, interaction, recreation, fellowship and service promote personal growth and community growth within the University. Student Life seeks to extend appropriate services with sensitivity to a diverse on- and off-campus population while modeling accountability and holding students accountable to community standards.

Standards of Conduct


CCU seeks to create and maintain an educational environment where individual and institutional responsibility combine to promote students’ holistic development. In order for the University to achieve this goal within an atmosphere where the rights of its members are respected, it is necessary to establish policies and procedures that govern student conduct. These regulations have been developed to reflect the nature of a student community focused on educational and spiritual growth and the unique situations that arise within such a community of learners. As such, every member of the University community is provided equal rights and benefits in accordance with the expectation that each student demonstrates maturity, intelligence, and concern for the rights of others.

When a person demonstrates a lack of cooperation, respect and consideration for himself or herself, the standards of the University, or the University community, CCU, acting through its officials and judiciary bodies will take disciplinary action. Behavior that disrupts the community atmosphere at CCU, whether attempted or committed cannot be tolerated, and will be addressed. Thus, it is the goal of the student discipline system to, as outlined in Proverbs 13:24, show the love for the University’s students through prompt correction of behavior that disturbs the University educational community, based in a system of grace and guidance.

It is the intention of this code of conduct to clarify the standards of behavior essential to the University’s educational mission and its community life. Consequently, the Standards of Conduct are applicable to all College of Undergraduate (CUS) students and their guests when visiting campus.



One of the distinctions of Christian Higher Education is the pursuit of a community that seeks holistic student growth (spiritual, intellectual, personal, emotional, and vocational) in an atmosphere that follows the example of Jesus Christ and Biblical teachings. Active participation in such community requires students to abide by a common set of standards that reflect CCU’s institutional mission and provide an agreed-upon framework for student behavior. CCU’s Standards of Conduct are an integration of Biblical teachings, civil laws, and concern for the respect for the rights of other community members, brought together to help create a campus community that seeks to honor God and one another in the common pursuit of educational and spiritual growth at an evangelical Christian University. As such, students are expected to live in accordance with the Scripture which teaches the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of life and thought, and stresses the importance to care for our whole being as temples of the Holy Spirit. Believers are urged to be careful stewards of the mind, time, abilities, funds, and opportunities that have been given by God and are instructed to love God with all of their being and to love their neighbors as themselves. CCU students must realize the important responsibility they have to personal righteousness and the practice of justice, the value of evangelistic outreach through word and life, and to exercise freedom in Christ. The University realizes that most of what Scripture teaches in regard to attitude and behavior are difficult to define in terms of Standards of Conduct, yet lie at the heart of relationships with God and with others. Thus, we encourage all members of the University community to address such attitudes and behaviors as they become discernable in order for positive change to occur. In addition, all laws of the nation, state, and local community are to be obeyed. Of course, some issues regarding community living are not specifically address in Scripture or civil laws, and in such cases, CCU’S Standards of Conduct direct students to act with respect for others, consider others’ sensitivities, and exercise personal restraint to provide an optimal community living and learning environment.

CCU’s Standards of Conduct seek to integrate Biblical teachings, civil laws, and community standards based on the consideration and respect for other to help create and maintain a community environment in which all CCU students whether on- or off- campus strive to: deepen their spiritual commitment and understanding of the Bible; develop their moral character; expand their intellectual abilities; participate constructively in community life; and observe and adhere to the rules and regulations of the University. CCU encourages its students to take particular care to exercise discretion in choice of entertainment, relationships and associations. Students should also be aware of the growing problem of drugs, sexual behavior and alcohol abuse in today’s society, as well as the offense and danger of the use of tobacco. The University recognizes that these practices would reduce the effectiveness of corporate testimony and could harm others. To this end, all such activity is banned from the campus, and off campus CCU students are subject to disciplinary review when information regarding alcohol, sexual activity or drug use comes to the University’s attention.

At CCU, we desire to take advantage of a unique opportunity to enhance students’ growth through disciplinary matters in regard to developing responsibility for their own behavior, as well as establishing a community that is conductive to successful learning, living, and growing. In addition, learning to live within a common set of behavior standards seeks to increase students’ abilities to live with others in a group situation and to function well in the campus community within the University’s expectations. Consequently, disciplinary proceedings will be initiated when it become apparent that informal procedures are unlikely to produce desired changes in behavior. Accordingly, each student will be treated as an individual within formal disciplinary procedures.

It is assumed that individuals who join the University community will strive to uphold the mission of the University and adhere to the community standards in the spirit in which they are set forth.

The following are the purposes for disciplinary proceedings at CCU:

  • To redirect behavior;
  • To protect the rights of others in the community;
  • To encourage and to teach responsibility for one’s own actions;
  • To encourage an educationally-focused student living and learning community; and
  • To discuss and explore with students how one’s behavior is an outgrowth of our relationship with Christ.

Since one of the main foundations of the discipline process involves emphasizing a student’s responsibility for his/her behavior, student records will remain on file for the entire length of his/her stay at the University.

CCU Regulations & Applicable Civil Laws


CCU is committed to cooperating with federal, state, and local authorities in their efforts to enforce existing laws regarding alcohol use, drugs, and public health and safety. Although possession and use of marijuana consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Constitution is no longer a crime in the State of Colorado, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug Free Schools and communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana by all CCU Students continues to be prohibited while on or off campus. University regulations in these areas are guided by our educational purpose within the framework of applicable law. Students are expected to abide by these laws and regulations and to accept responsibility for their conduct.

Violations of federal, state, and local laws may be referred to appropriate outside agencies for disposition in addition to any University disciplinary action. Actions involving a student in a legal proceeding in a civil or criminal court does not free the student of responsibility for his/her conduct in the University judicial system. If the student is charged in both jurisdictions simultaneously, the University will proceed with its own judicial review process according to its own time table. The University also reserves the right to initiate disciplinary proceedings against students who have been formally charged with off campus criminal violations by legal or civil authorities. The University also reserves the right to initiate disciplinary proceedings against students who may have otherwise committed an action off campus, which may be related to the security of the University community or the integrity of the educational process. Such discretion rests with the Vice President for Student Development or the President of the University. Disciplinary regulations at the University are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of prohibited conduct. The regulations should be read broadly and are not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms. The University reserves unto itself the right to interpret conduct that is in violation of these regulations.

Applicability of CCU’s Standards of Conduct: On-campus, Off-Campus, Public Domain


CCU reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well being of the campus community and the students who comprise it. It may become essential for the University to take necessary and appropriate action as a result of students involved in incidents that:

  • occur off-campus,
  • are in direct conflict with the unique mission of the University, or
  • may effect the ability for students to function well in the University community, at University-sponsored events, or in the classroom.

The authority for deciding which off-campus actions constitute a threat to the campus environment rests with the Vice President of Student Development. The University addresses off-campus violations of the CCU Standards of Conduct between currently enrolled University students, or students and other CCU community members, in the “Prohibited Conduct” section of the Student Handbook. The Vice President for Student Development holds authority for making decisions regarding any off-campus behavior that is not addressed in this section which may constitute a threat to the campus environment. A student involved in an off- campus incident with another University community member could face charges in the University discipline system and judicial process, as well as civil or criminal charges. Complaints from University community members against University students involving infractions other than violations of the Standards of Conduct will not be the responsibility of the University to investigate or review.

The University may also address violations of University policy posted on online communication networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. A detailed policy can be found in the Student Handbook.

In the event of complaints from non-University citizens or agencies, the University will cooperate fully with local authorities in the performance of their duties, but it will not have responsibility for adjudicating the complaint. If a specific violation of CCU’s Standards of Conduct is involved in the complaint, then the University will reserve the right to act in that instance.

General Student Conduct Expectations


Within the traditions of its mission and Christ-centered heritage, CCU expects its students to develop a high standard of behavior and personal values. Among these expectations are:

  • Respect for the rights and human dignity of others, especially in the conduct of relationships;
  • Respect for the rights and needs of the CCU community to develop and maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic study and personal life;
  • Respect for the University’s academic traditions of honesty, freedom of expression, and open inquiry;
  • Tolerance and respect for the different backgrounds, personalities, beliefs, and spiritual traditions of students, faculty, and staff who make up the CCU community;
  • A willingness to assist others in need of support, guidance, or friendship;
  • Respect for federal, state law and ordinances;
  • Respect for the authorities, policies, procedures, and regulations established by the University for the orderly administration of University activities and the welfare of the members of the University community;
  • Adherence to the values, attitude, direction, and tone that Christ set forth when relating to fellow students or community members who have been wronged or have entered into a dispute;
  • Ownership in a biblically-based Christian community to the confrontation of sin by its members through love and truth.

The Student Handbook addresses additional issues related to the student code of conduct including, but not limited to, students’ rights as victims, rights of participants in the discipline process, sexual harassment and assault processes, explicit sanctioning guidelines, and the judicial process.

Applicability of Services


Descriptions of policies, regulations, and services described in this catalog are generally intended for all CCU students including the College of Undergraduate Studies program, either full- or part-time, students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies programs, and academic programs offered at other CCU sites around Colorado. The availability of services to students is subject to change at the discretion of the University. Program features include, but are not limited to:

Policies   Program Availability
Standards of Conduct
General University Regulations
Housing Regulations

All CCU students *
All CCU students
All CCU students

Service Availability

Campus Ministry
Financial Aid
Food Service
Life Directions Center
Residence Life/Housing
Student Activities
Student Government Activities
Student Health Insurance
Student Life Office
University Counseling Services
University Health Services


CUS students**
All CCU students
All CCU students
All CCU students
CUS Students
CUS students
All CCU Students
CUS Students
CUS Students
All CCU Students***
All CCU students ***
All CCU students***
CUS students***

* All CCU students refers to any CCU student in either the College of Undergraduate Studies (CUS) or the College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS).

** CUS students designates students in the College for Undergraduate Studies. CAGS students may attend athletic events and in some instances may participate in athletic competition upon approval of the Director of Athletics.

*** Designates departments whose services may be accessed on a fee for use basis. Health Services is available to students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS) for a fee and on a limited basis upon the schedule of the Director. The Health Services clinic is open Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and is closed during CUS break periods.

Questions on the availability of other services not listed here should be referred to the Student Life Office or the program directors of nontraditional programs.

Mission of Student Life


In keeping with the mission of the University, its educational goals and assumptions, the Department of Student Life strives to support the growth and life of the CCU student:

  • through an effort to integrate the life of the whole person-spiritually, personally, socially, physically, intellectually, and vocationally;
  • through programs that develop leadership skills and encourage students to assume positions of significant responsibility;
  • through promotion of an academic atmosphere in all student activities and services;
  • through encouragement of students to exercise their freedom and judgment while respecting the rights and needs of the campus community;
  • through activities that promote service to others on and off campus;
  • through activities and services that maximize the opportunities for students to understand themselves and to grow and develop to their fullest potential;
  • through activities that enhance an atmosphere of spiritual growth, renewal, and understanding while continuing the commitment to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

To these ends, the University provides the following departments and programs to serve its students.

Student Life


The administrative responsibility for the supervision and coordination of the Student Life areas and staff rests with the Vice President of Student Development. These areas include: campus ministry, student programs, health services, career services, counseling services, residence life, security, student activities, intramural sports, the student government association, and a liaison relationship with the food service provider. The Vice President for Student Development is also responsible for implementing the discipline program and Standards of Conduct. The Student Life Office is located in the Detrich Bonhoeffer Center.

Intramural Athletics


The purpose of the Intramural Sports Program at CCU is to promote healthy community life within CCU’s student body by providing high-quality athletic and other competitive activities, in which students have fun while competing against fellow students in activities such as flag football, basketball, dodge ball, ultimate Frisbee, soccer, volleyball, and other sports. There are many opportunities to get involved with intramurals through both one-day and league events.

Students compete on intramural teams with other students from their stairwells and buildings and contend against other teams for intramural points throughout the school year. Intramural points accumulate, and a male and female intramural championship team is crowned in the spring of each year. Intramural points are earned both by participating and winning.

The Intramural Sports Program is committed to serving God, and the students of CCU by facilitating fun activities and healthy competition so that students can build community both within their intramural team and with the students they compete against. Intramurals is supervised by the Director of Student Activities and is operated by the Intramural Sports Division of the University Programming Council, a staff of six or seven students.

The Intramural Sports Program office is located in the Student Leadership Center. Look for the Intramural Sports Program booth at chapel, ask your RA about it, and look for advertisements all over campus for more information. Come out and play!

Campus Ministries


The mission of the Campus Ministries Department is to equip and mobilize students to make Christ known around the world. At CCU, we use the term “spiritual formation” to refer to everything we do, in and out of the classroom, to make faith in Jesus Christ the authentic center of our lives. We seek to educate minds, model holy living, instill passion for Christ, develop compassion for others, immerse in community, and stimulate personal growth so that we may raise up servant leaders committed to advancing God’s kingdom.  

There are 4 major areas of Campus Ministries: Worship, Discipleship, Outreach and Missions. The Campus Ministries House is located at the far southwest corner of the campus, near the residence halls, immediately next to the sand volleyball courts.


Chapel services exist to point the participants to God alone, as they worship Him in spirit and truth. CCU seeks to keep God first by the following:

  • Encouraging an intimate, personal relationship with God through worship
  • Providing challenging, biblically-based teaching intended to transform personal living
  • Complementing the work of the local church and the classroom through creative, effective communication on topics relevant to University students
  • Providing a corporate experience to unify the CCU community in Christ

Chapel Attendance Policies (College of Undergraduate Studies):

  • Attendance at chapel is an important part of the CCU community; therefore, satisfactory attendance is required to graduate.
  • Any CUS student wishing to obtain a degree from Colorado Christian University must acquire 180 chapel credits over his/her time at CCU to gain clearance for graduation and to receive a diploma. Students who attend and graduate from CCU in less than four years, and also transfer students, are required to obtain an average of 45 chapel credits per year, or 23 chapel credits per semester, for graduation. This applies to all students who wish to receive a degree from CCU College of Undergraduate Studies.
  • Chapel is held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10:50-11:40 am in the CCU Event Center, unless announced otherwise. Other spiritual formation activities are also eligible for chapel credit; these eligible activities will be noted on the chapel schedule each semester.
  • In order to receive credit for attended chapels, students must do the following:
         o Have their student ID (No exceptions)
         o Scan their ID prior to 11:00 am
         o Remain for the entire program (students leaving early are asked to scan out)
  • Once a student reaches the 180 chapel requirements no formal expectation of chapel attendance will be required. The University would hope, however, that the student will continue to be a part of this important community event.
  • It is the responsibility of each student to monitor his or her chapel attendance. Students can view their attendance record through WebAdvisor.
  • There are opportunities for additional extra credit chapels advertised during the semester for students who wish to take advantage of these opportunities. This gives students some flexibility in case of illness, injury, forgetting his or her student ID card, or some other pressing need to miss chapel. 
  • Students who are involved in study abroad or student teaching programs are exempt from chapel for those semesters. Chapel requirements will be reduced by 23 hours upon approval of the student’s LDC Advisor and upon completion of the study abroad or student teaching program.

Online Chapel Alternative

Full-time students who have hardship circumstances that prevent them from attending chapel during the established times may apply to fulfill their chapel requirement online. Students who are approved to take Chapel online will benefit from chapel via listening to chapel services online at a time and place of their choosing. There is a listening guide available for each service via internet that also serves as the attendance tracking mechanism for these students. This is a pass/fail course and the student must pass over 50% of the quizzes with a 70% or better grade on each individual chapel session.

Participating in online chapel is an all-or-none scenario and is not intended to substitute for corporate worship due to personal convenience or preference. It is not permissible to combine in-person attendance and online participation in calculating one’s attendance record. However, attending any extra credit chapels as an online chapel student is permissible and will be accepted towards final chapel requirements. 

Examples of hardship circumstances which could warrant permission to take chapel online include the following:

  • A direct and unavoidable work conflict
  • Commuters who have no classes scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays and who live more than 20 minutes from campus
  • Severe medical conditions that restrict participation
  • Married students with children who need more flexibility
  • Students taking classes at another institution during chapel

All of these circumstances are subject to verification in order to be approved. There is a $20 fee for those students approved to take chapel online. Because of the strong community effect gained through direct, in-person participation, it is our desire that the utilization of online chapel be for those few students who truly cannot attend chapel.

Application for online chapel must be made each semester prior to the add/drop deadline and the course work completed by the first day of finals week.  Questions may be directed to The online chapel application can be found on the CCU Chapel website, and should be returned to Campus Ministries for final approval and enrollment.

Church Participation

Students are strongly encouraged to pursue a meaningful relationship and involvement in a local church. It is our hope that every student will become involved in a local church on a weekly basis. Students in need of transportation to church can network with other students offering rides via the Campus Ministries office or contact their RA.


There are multiple avenues on campus for students to pursue personal, spiritual growth during their time at CCU:

  • Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) – Weekly group meetings consisting of 5-7 freshman students who gather to deepen their relationship with God and others through Bible study, fellowship, accountability, and prayer
  • Men’s and Women’s Ministry – Workshops, special events, and retreats focused on specific issues related to men and women, their uniqueness and differences, as well as ways they complement and relate to one another
  • Mentoring – Through formal and informal relationships between students and on-campus faculty/staff, as well as off-campus mentors, who are devoted to nurturing the spiritual development of students
  • Prayer Ministry – Opportunities for group prayer with other students, faculty, and staff
  • Small Groups – Bible study or topical study groups for upper-class students. Different groups are offered each semester and led by students, faculty, or staff


Believing that gifts are discovered in the stream, not in the well, CCU strongly encourages student participation in local ministries. There are several student-led, local outreach/evangelism ministries which CCU students can become involved in to serve and to share the love of Jesus Christ. See the Campus Ministries website for more information.


CCU2theWorld is the on-campus avenue for missional involvement, working in conjunction with many entities on campus to promote the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

We accomplish this goal in the following ways:

  • Offering short-term mission experiences to students, staff, and faculty
  • Facilitating student leadership development through CCU2theWorld’s leadership training program
  • Hosting representatives from mission organizations on campus to interact with students
  • Partnering with other student clubs, organizations, and ministries to promote God’s work around the world
  • Coordinating with the School of Theology in offering the Intercultural Ministry Minor

University Counseling Services


In keeping with the mission of the University and the spirit of developing the whole person, University Counseling Services strives to meet both individual and group needs through counseling opportunities based within Christ-centered foundations. The office is directed by a full-time, State of Colorado licensed mental health professional who is  assisted by various interns to provide services to the traditional undergraduate population. All on-campus counseling services are provided free of charge. Staff members frequently collaborate with other departments on campus to provide prevention and wellness programs and discussion groups that address “hot topic” issues. 

Counseling Center staff members manage cases that are referred off campus to specific professionals handling various conditions, and act as liaisons for the University in those instances. Appointments are necessary and can be made by calling Campus Ministries at (303) 963-3375.

CCU reserves the right to require an individual to seek medical or psychological examination and treatment in order to maintain student status. The student is responsible for payment of services in this instance.  The University also reserves the right to communicate with parents and appropriate CCU faculty and administrators concerning medical or psychological treatment, when required to do so by law, as in the case of danger to self or others.

University Health Services


The University Health Services office is staffed by a licensed healthcare provider (Nurse Practitioner, and/or Registered Nurse). University Health Services provides routine ambulatory, confidential, student-centered medical care for traditional undergraduate CCU students. Services available in the Health Servieces Clinic include the following: diagnosing and treating minor illnesses, performing physicals, prescribing medications when necessary, dispensing limited over the counter medications, administering immunizations, conducting limited laboratory tests and making medical referrals. The University Health Services healthcare provider works with a local physician’s office (New West Physicians of Bear Valley) when consultation is indicated. Some laboratory rapid tests can be done in the clinic and when indicated, including strep tests, mono tests, urinalysis, hemoglobin and pregnancy tests. Flu shots, meningitis shots, tetanus vaccinations, and TB tests are also available. Allergy shots can be given, but a written physician order and the allergy serum vials will need to be provided by the student along with an allergy history form.  Appointments can be scheduled to see the healthcare provider Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Walk-ins will be accommodated as the schedule allows. The office is not open on school holidays, school breaks, or during the summer. The University Health Services office is located in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Center. 

Immunization Requirements:

As a condition of enrollment, all students in CCU’s College of Undergraduate Studies, living on or off campus, carrying six (6) credits or more, must provide the following immunization information*:

  • The State of Colorado requires college students to have a certified record of two (2) doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. The MMR record must be signed by a physician, nurse, county health department official or school health authority. The following is taken from the Colorado immunization law:
    • Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is not required for college students born before January 1st, 1957.
    • If the student received a second measles dose prior to July 1st, 1992, the second rubella and mumps dose is not required.
    • The first MMR must have been given on or after the first birthday. The second dose of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine or of the measles vaccine must have been administered at least 28 calendar days after the first dose.
    • In lieu of immunization, written evidence of laboratory tests showing immunity to measles, mumps, rubella is acceptable.
    • There is a “Statement of Exemption” to the immunization law that can be signed. This includes a medical, religious, and personal exemption. In the event of an outbreak of the measles, mumps or rubella, exempted students will be subject to exclusion from school until the outbreak is over.
  • The Meningitis vaccine is recommended by the CDC, the Colorado State Health Department, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American College Health Association. The State of Colorado does not require students to receive the meningitis vaccine, but they do require signed documentation that the student has read the information about the disease and the vaccination. The student must show proof of either:
    • Having received the Meningococcal Vaccine within five (5) years of enrollment. Please note that if the primary dose was administered on or before the student’s 16th birthday, a second (booster) dose should be administered before enrollment in college. The booster dose can be administered any time after the 16th birthday.
    • Having read the “Meningococcal Disease” information sheet and declined the vaccine.
    • Having read the “Meningococcal Disease” information sheet and completed the request form to receive the vaccine upon arriving at CCU.**

*MMR information and meningitis information must be turned into the Health Services office by the end of the second week of classes of each semester for the student. If the immunization requirement has not been met or the meningitis information has not been completed by that time, an academic hold will be placed on the record of that student. This “hold” will prevent the student from receiving a transcript of grades or registering for any further classes.

**The Health Services office will have the meningococcal vaccine on hand at the beginning of each semester. The vaccination cost varies each year and is payable by cash or check made out to Colorado Christian University, or may be charged to the student’s account.

Health Insurance Coverage Requirement

As a condition of enrollment, all students in CCU’s College of Undergraduate Studies living on or off campus, carrying six (6) credits or more must have health insurance coverage.

  • All full-time students will be billed for the University Health Insurance Plan until they provide proof of insurance coverage. The cost of this plan can be found on the College of Undergraduate Studies Tuition website. If the student is already covered under another plan and wants to waive the University health insurance plan, the student must complete the Health Insurance Waiver Form and present their proof of insurance to the CCU Health Services Office. If the insurance waiver has not been submitted to the Health Services Office by the add/drop date of the first semester of enrollment, the billing of the CCU insurance plan will become final.
  • Students who have waived the insurance one time are waived for the remainder of their uninterrupted enrollment. If a student takes a semester off, a new waiver with proof of insurance is required. If a student’s insurance situation changes, he/she must notify Health Services. A new waiver form must be completed with any name change or change in health care insurance. If a student’s health insurance lapses, the student will be automatically enrolled in the university health insurance plan for the next semester unless they present a new waiver. If the student fails to inform Health Services of a lapse in personal insurance, the student may face further action for failing to comply with the policy.
  • If a student does not possess their own health insurance and would like to be covered by the university-sponsored health insurance plan, they are to complete the University Health Insurance Enrollment Form. The student insurance charge will be posted on the student account at the beginning of each semester. The University sponsored insurance provides coverage 24 hours a day, whether on-campus or away. The student health insurance plan is only offered during Fall and Spring Semesters; Summer coverage is not available at this time.

Please Note: Athletes must submit a health insurance waiver to University Health Services. Athletes are not eligible for the University-sponsored health insurance plan. Please see your coach for further information or visit

There will not be any exceptions to this policy.

Communicable Disease Policy

A variety of communicable diseases exist that vary in degree of transmission to others and severity of potential health risks to individuals. These diseases could include, but are not limited to, infections such as chicken pox, measles, mononucleosis, and even serious diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Such communicable diseases generate differing levels of concern among various populations. Colorado Christian University strives to establish clear, consistent and non-discriminatory policies and procedures to deal with communicable diseases while concurrently acknowledging the privacy of the individuals. These policy and procedure statements are formulated on the basis of current medical and legal opinions regarding communicable diseases with the goals of providing health awareness opportunities and extending proper treatment to all CCU employees, faculty and students within the bounds of legal, moral, and ethical responsibilities. A full description of the policy statement regulating communicable diseases is available in University Health Services office.

Residence Life


A decision regarding living on campus is perhaps one of the most important decisions a student can make in their college career. Living on campus provides the greatest opportunity for living and learning in community. The Residence Life program strives to involve on-campus students in a Christian community that is fostered and built by the Residence Life staff.

The community living program at CCU emphasizes the Christian mind and character within an atmosphere that is conducive to exploration learning, risk taking, and concern for the individual as well as the community as a whole. Thus, living in this community requires students to live with integrity, honesty and respect, take responsibility for one’s own actions, demonstrate care and concern for interpersonal relationships, and encourage responsible living among all others in the community.

The Residence Life program seeks to help students enjoy an on-campus living experience that provides opportunities for students to develop holistically. Thus, the Residence Life staff and other community leaders provide programs that encourage the mixing of various students’ backgrounds and interests and promote education, uphold the University Standards of Conduct, assist students through encouraging positive roommate relations, mediating roommate conflicts as necessary, and following up on incidents that occur within the on-campus residences.

Resident Assistants, under the direction of professional Resident Directors, are placed in each living area to role model behavior, build and encourage community, act as a student advocate and resource, serve as a liaison between the administration and students, help with facilities problems, and pursue the interests of the students within their environment. These efforts may include confronting individuals about unacceptable behavior, following up on noise complaints, investigating vandalism, planning a group outing, sitting on-duty during the week, and being available to their students through community meetings.



CCU provides a 24-hour security presence on campus seven days a week. This service provides parking oversight, escort services, criminal investigation, and security lock-up for the Lakewood Campus.

Student Activities


The mission of Student Activities at Colorado Christian University is to cultivate students as excellent servant-leaders, build Christ-honoring community, and be a significant positive influence on campus culture. This mission is accomplished through the following organizations and activities:

University Programming Council (UPC): a division of the Asociated Students, UPC promotes Christian community and influences campus culture by providing campus-wide events.

Student Organizations: chartered through the Student Government Association, these student-run groups enhance the diversity of campus activities and provide a crucial part of the campus culture.

Orientation: exists to welcome new students and assist them in making a successful transition to the CCU community.

Student Union: a 24/7 community “hub”, the Student Union serves as a social gathering place for growing community.

Best of Colorado: offers students a variety of recreational trips throughout Colorado that are designed to help them explore and appreciate God’s creation while also encouraging team and community building as well as an active lifestyle

Community Outreach: promotes our desire to engage our world and transform the community outside of the University.

Leadership Interns: increase awareness and cultivation of students’ skills and gifts through active participation in programming and office management.

Campus Publicity and Event Registration: as a centralized location for managing vendors, campus marketing, and student events, these services assist in the monitoring of activity on campus and marketing materials placed in campus information sources.

Student Life Office


The Vice President for Student Development at Colorado Christian University supervises many of the service-related departments on campus, including the Life Directions Center, Admissions, Athletics, Security, Health Services, Counseling Services, Dual Enrollment, Residence Life, Student Activities, Campus Ministry, the Student Government Association, Intramural Sports, and the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students serves as the University’s designee to run the discipline system for the campus, including setting and upholding the University’s Standards of Conduct. The Dean also supervises and advises the Student Judicial Board within the campus judicial process. The Student Life Office is located in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Center.